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英国哈罗公学开办全球网校, 博瀛国际教育成为大中华区独家官方招生伙伴

博瀛国际教育    公司动态    英国哈罗公学开办全球网校, 博瀛国际教育成为大中华区独家官方招生伙伴


UK Local time: Sep. 17, 2019, London


今天,哈罗公学引领教育创新,正式成立哈罗公学全球网校,世界各地的学生足不出户即可享受哈罗品质的英国高中A Level 课程。

Today, Harrow School leading the educational innovation, opened its online school officially. Students from all over the world can enjoy the Harrow Quality A Level program at home. 




英国哈罗公学是由伊丽莎白女王一世1572年授予创始人约翰·里昂(John Lyon)皇家特许而创立,是英国顶级的贵族寄宿男校,培养了无数优秀校友,包括英国首相丘吉尔、印度领导人尼赫鲁、前约旦国王侯赛因、前伊拉克国王费萨尔二世等中东王室成员、夏洛克·福尔摩斯的饰演者本尼迪克特·康伯巴奇。

The new school is founded on the traditions and academic excellence of Harrow School in England; a renowned full-boarding school for boys aged 13-18. The school was founded with the approval of Queen Elizabeth 1, who granted a royal charter in 1572 to the founder John Lyon to establish the school.




而今天的新学校——哈罗公学全球网校是一所传承了英国哈罗公学的贵族传统和优异学术成就而建立的创新学校,同时招收16岁或以上有远大理想的优秀男生和女生。将针对学员开设国际A Level全球联考科目内的学科课程, 首届学生专注于学习STEM主题学科课程(化学、物理、数学、高等数学)和经济学,同时学校会帮助学生未来成功申请大学提供全流程支持以及职业发展规划和机会对接。

Harrow School Online is a co-educational school for ambitious students aged 16 and over, who have strong English skills and are looking for a prestigious, high-quality British education that suits their lifestyle. Students will be given the opportunity to study virtually for the Pearson Edexcel international A-Level examinations. Focusing initially on STEM subjects (Chemistry, Physics, Mathematics, Further Mathematics) and Economics, the school will help prepare students for higher education and employment opportunities of the future.


哈罗公学全球网校的在线教育系统由全球知名教育公司皮尔森提供技术支持,皮尔森在线教育系统迄今已经成功为全球超过75,000 名网络学生提供在线学习支持。

Pearson, the world’s learning company, is providing the technology that underpins the online school via a platform that is already used by more than 75,000 virtual school students around the world. 



Using the digital platform, students will take part in one-to-one academic tutorials, live online lessons with a teacher and other students, self-study lessons completed at a time and pace to suit the individual student, and regular coaching sessions that will provide them with personalised support and feedback. As well as the focus on academic excellence, the school will also aim to mirror the ethos of Harrow School in England as much as possible through a virtual house system, the opportunity to participate in extracurricular activities (such as a chess club and a student newspaper) and the chance to attend a summer course at Harrow School in England.




哈罗公学全球网校拥有高品质的师资,严格按照英国哈罗公学的同等标准来招募、管理和培训。除了持有英国寄宿学校要求的专业学科教师资格证,他们还是各主题学科领域的专家。哈罗学校全球网校的校长希瑟·罗兹女士(Heather Rhodes),在英国哈罗学校工作了十多年,担任EAL教务长,以及哈罗公学短期课程的学术校长。

The UK-based and qualified teachers, who are subject matter experts will be recruited and trained to the same levels of excellence required by Harrow School. Harrow School Online’s Principal is Heather Rhodes who has worked at Harrow School for over ten years as the Head of English as an Additional Language (EAL) and the Academic Principal at Harrow School Short Courses (HSSC.)


哈罗公学全球网校校长希瑟·罗兹女士(Ms Heather Rhodes)说“我们生活在一个瞬息万变的世界,教育必须也必须适应这一代表和反应年轻人生活方式及愿望的新挑战。我们很荣幸能够率先走在这一教育新篇章的最前沿。我们很高兴与皮尔森合作,利用他们在该领域的专业知识使其成为现实。我期待着在2020年9月欢迎我们的第一批学生。”

Heather Rhodes, Harrow School Online’s Principal, said: “We live in a rapidly changing world, and education must too adapt to the new challenges this presents, and reflect young people’s lifestyles and aspirations. It’s a privilege to be at the forefront of this new chapter of education. We are pleased to be partnering with Pearson using their expertise in this area to make it a reality. I look forward to welcoming our first students in September 2020.”


英国皮尔森学校合作事业部负责人Sharon Hague表示:“皮尔森正在投资数字创新,我们与哈罗公学的合作是基于我们在美国乃至全球范围已经在运营的网络学校和在此领域的领导者地位。通过这项创新,我们帮助输出高质量的英国国际课程,利用先进科技为世界各地学生提供优质教育。”

Sharon Hague, head of Pearson Schools in the UK, said: “Pearson is investing in digital innovation and our collaboration with Harrow School builds on our existing leadership in online schooling in the US and worldwide. Through this innovation we are helping export high quality, British curriculum internationally, using technology to increase access to quality education for international learners.”


哈罗公学全球网校,对于中国学生和家长来说无疑是个重磅利好,打破地域的局限,不出国门即可享受全球最顶尖的高中教育,学习英国高中A Level课程,不但获得英国高中毕业证,而且用世界各国大学普遍认可的A Level全球联考成绩可直接申请全球名校,真正实现在国内读高中直接上国外名校的无缝衔接。



Win International Education 博瀛国际教育

Office办公电话: +86 755 8661 8669

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Email电邮: hso@winternational.org


Harrow School Online is now accepting applications for Academic Year 2020-21 - there are limited spaces available. To find out more, request a prospectus and apply, visit: www.winbyedu.com/harrow.

For the students in Great China Area, please contact our authorized exclusive admission team in your area.




哈罗公学全球网校校长Heather Rhode女士和博瀛国际教育创始人萧惠文女士在哈罗公学英国本部正式签约, 博瀛国际教育成为哈罗公学全球网校大中华区独家合作伙伴。


关于哈罗公学Harrow School

哈罗公学是英国13-18岁男孩就读的全日制贵族学校。它成立于1572年,由英国女王伊丽莎白一世授予皇家特许。2019年学生A-level成绩,大约三分之一的成绩达到A *,而49%的Pre-U成绩为D1或D2(最高等级) 。去年的毕业生将就读于包括牛津大学,剑桥大学,斯坦福大学和哈佛大学在内的世界前十大学中的七所大学,学生们也被耶鲁大学,普林斯顿大学和哥伦比亚大学等八所常春藤盟校中的六所学校录取。

Harrow School is a full-boarding school in the UK for boys aged 13-18. It was founded in 1572 under a Royal Charter granted by Queen Elizabeth I. In 2019 at A-level, approximately one third of grades achieved an A*, while 49% of Pre-U results were D1 or D2 (the highest possible grades).  Last year’s leavers will be taking up places at seven of the world’s top 10 universities including Oxford, Cambridge, Stanford and Harvard, with boys also taking up places at six of the eight Ivy League schools including Yale, Princeton and Columbia. 




We are the world’s learning company with more than 24,000 employees operating in 70 countries. We combine world-class educational content and assessment, powered by services and technology, to enable more effective teaching and personalized learning at scale. We believe that wherever learning flourishes so do people.


关于博瀛国际教育Win International Education


WIN International Education established by international education experts. We are engaged in providing best quality international programs and one-stop personalized educational planning consulting service to Chinese families and students. We are focused on education and quality, Offering professional support for the students from Kindergarten to University. 




2019年9月18日 14:19